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Natalia Ely

Kinesiology, what on earth is this?

I have been practicing Kinesiology for over 5 years now, and I have to admit that the first time I came across the term, I was quite unaware of what it meant. My dad is a University Professor, so I was educated and trained to always look for scientific papers and books proving theories while believing that when sick, we could just go to the doctor to find relief or a cure for the symptom or disease. Back then, I really thought Western medicine had all the answers, and it was all that was worthwhile paying attention to.

When I first heard of Kinesiology back in Brazil in 2019, I thought it was mumbo-jumbo, and something that perhaps should not be taken seriously. However, a broken foot left me crippled, and no one seemed to be able to help me. It is interesting how our perspective on life changes when we are desperate and no one seems to be able to help us. My physiotherapist was the angel who introduced me to Kinesiology, and I decided to take a short course to understand more about this therapy and get some sessions with the teacher who apparently could help me with my problem. I have to say, this short course changed my life, and today I'm grateful for that broken foot and all the pain it gave me, even though I hated it back then.

During the introductory one-month course called Touch for Health, which was developed by Dr. John Thie in the early 1970's to teach the general population how to look after themselves in a very simple way, I learned about the mind-body connection, how our emotions affect our well-being, the energy systems in the body, and the relations between these energy systems, specific organs, and muscles. We used muscle biofeedback to understand what is causing stress in the body and what is good for the body. Most importantly, I learned that we all have the potential to heal ourselves!

I was blown away by how thorough and holistic this therapy was. The fact that the Kinesiologist uses muscle biofeedback to understand what the body is going through just fascinates me. This really got me thinking that there's so much more to health than what we think we know and kind of puts an end to the never-ending guessing about what the patient is going through. In Kinesiology, there's no guessing; we follow what the body tells us via the muscle assessment, and unlike other therapies, we strengthen the weak muscles with many different techniques such as reflex points, meridians, stress relief, nutrition, and many more.

I fell in love with Kinesiology, as my teacher guided me towards healing, and I started walking again. When I returned to Australia after my long holiday in Brazil, I decided to study it professionally (PKP) to be able to help, empower, and educate people about how amazing our bodies are and how much potential we all have to heal ourselves. Below is a video with Dr. Bruce Dewe, who is the founder of Professional Kinesiology Practice; he explains this much better than me! :) In Professional Kinesiology Practice we work with over 180 techniques while following a protocol.

This therapy utilizes Eastern knowledge in acupuncture and the meridian systems, as well as our Western knowledge in anatomy and physiology, nutrition, psychology, epigenetics, quantum physics, and neuroscience. It truly serves as a bridge between East and West, combining the wisdom of both sides. During a Kinesiology session, we work with a goal, enabling you to unlock your healing potential and align yourself with the energy of what you want to achieve or create in this lifetime. This is a participatory process where the client takes an active role in changing their life, and it is extremely empowering and life-changing! Please note that individual experiences with Kinesiology may vary.

With Love, Natalia Ely.

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